Saturday, May 12, 2012

MS Access 2007 Part-01 (Introduction)

Microsoft Access 2007

DBMS (Data Base Management System)


  •  What is DBMS?
            It is very important make sure data is stored and maintained accurately and quickly. DBMS is a system that is used to store and manage data.
            A DBMS is a set of programs that is used to store and manipulation data. Manipulation of data include the following:
  •   Adding new data, for example adding details of new student .
  •   Deleting unwanted data, for example deleting the details of student who have completed course.
  •   Changing existing data, for example modifying the fee paid by the student.
A DBMS provides various functions like data security, data integrity, data sharing, data concurrence, data independence, data recovery etc.
            DBMS Programs for example Oracle, Informix, Ingran, Dbase IV, III+, MS Access, FoxPro, Ms SQL Server, PHP, MySQL
  • Database Objects
            An Access database consist of six types of objects that are used to store, manipulate and retrieve information within the database.

  • Tables
A table holds the actual data. Access uses tables to display the raw data in records (rows) and fields (columns). The data usually consist of information on a particular category such as student, courses , customers, etc.
  •   Queries
A query is a question you ask about the data in your database. Queries let you set up criteria to retrieve specific information to display or sort.
  •   Forms
A form lets you display, enter, edit, and print formatted data one record at a time.
  • Reports
A report is a design for printed data. You can summarize data using the report function or retrieve specific information to display such as a list of mailing labels or class grades. Reports can also perform match operations and calculate summaries.
  • Macros
A macro is a stored set of commands that can be repeated as a unit to automate database functions.
  • Modules
Modules use the Visual Basic Application programming language to edit or add programming code that can further customize and enhance database functions.
  • The Access 2007 Interface
v  Title Bar
Contains the title of the workbook and the application.

v  Office button
Grouping of commands to save, open, print and perform other commands common to all Office application.

v  Quick Access Toolbar
Collection of buttons to quickly access regularly used Features of the application.

v  Ribbon           
Contains many features formerly found in menu structures.

v  Tabs
Individual collection (groups) of commands within the Ribbon.

v Dialog Launcher
A control for accessing more features contained within a group on the Ribbon.

v Objects Navigation Pane
Lists all of the objects (by type) within the database.         

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